Let’s get one thing straight …
Disc Golf Course Review (DGCR) isn’t better than UDisc.
No doubt about it: The things UDisc has done and continues to do for the game of disc golf are monumental. But years before there was UDisc, there was DGCR – and it’s still around today.
UDisc is an app for disc golfers. If you’re reading this blog, you’ve probably got it downloaded onto your smartphone. Within the app, disc golfers keep score, track statistics, measure throws and find, play and review new courses. For plastic junkies, it’s a Swiss Army knife of sorts.
It didn’t start out as one, but DGCR is also available in app form. And while it does much of the same stuff as UDisc, it’s not as good. UDisc cornered the space; DGCR arrived late to the game.
But DGCR does have a leg up in one area …
User-generated content.
DGCR started out as a forum: There’s TONS of it.
The core of UDisc’s value is the on-course experience. For DGCR, it’s the complete opposite. You go to DGCR for the hundreds of thousands (literally) of forum posts – it’s great reading.
For me, the old-school posts on DGCR serve as a time capsule. Old culture, old courses, old molds: It’s the history of our sport as told by many of its pioneering players – both amateur and professional. In fact, the more random tips, topics and talking points you find on this blog? The roots of the research that led to them taking shape almost ALWAYS lead back to DGCR.
No worries: There’s plenty of new content, too.
For example, when a new mold drops, regardless of the manufacturer, my disc reviews involve DGCR in some capacity. Whereas Green Splatter reviews are largely the opinion of one person, on DGCR, you get the (brutally) honest feedback of dozens of posters – and on a single thread.
DGCR also dominates the following:
- Perk No. 1 – Use it to discuss trending stories.
- Perk No. 2 – Use it to find rare molds for sale.
- Perk No. 3 – Use it to connect with other golfers.
In all seriousness …
If you can think it, there’s a thread about it.
Best of all, though?
It’s not Reddit.
UDisc is trendy, but DGCR is a disc golf gem.
If you’re new to the sport, check it out – it’ll be worth your while.
Have anything to add? Take to Twitter to let us know – we’ll actually (for real) get back to you.
Editor’s Suggestions:
- The inevitable fallout of Prodigy suing Gannon Buhr
- Disc golf: The benefits of leaning (heavily) on one disc
- YouTube: Why bad (amateur) disc golf is so entertaining
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The biggest thing I like about UDisc is their smart layouts, stats, and how you can see your scores pretty much like you see the pros.
Yeah, DGCR is WAY behind in that regard …
But actual course reviews?
Man, it can’t be beat.
(which should be obvious, because – the name)
The only exhibit you need to prove DGCR reviews are superior to UDisc:
But UDisc for course navigation and scorekeeping, hands down.
What the heck is that course?
Never seen anything like it …
It looks …
Interesting, to say the least.
DGCR has it’s place. The new owners have revamped the web site and I believe it has gotten even better. The Forum is pretty active too.
DGCR is used by more course collectors like myself due to the accuracy of the site. UDisc is full of junk to say the least.
Those that do most of the reviews do a good job on them. If you want to filter out
“homer” reviews, just filter for “trusted reviewer’s only”
But then I may be a DGCR Homer, been using it for almost 15 years, have over 15K pictures uploaded and have done over 500 reviews myself as a Diamond level reviewer.
That’s awesome, PizzaGod!
I think we can agree …
For ACTUAL course review, DGCR is the place to be.
(UDisc is great, though – no getting around it)
UDisc has done a great job especially with score keeping stats… and streamlining tournaments. It’s become more than just a tool it provides invaluable usage statistics helping grow discgolf but long before UDisc and YouTube content there was DGCR.
I’m firing up the wayback machine but living in a small community with limited coaching, and even less “accurate coaching” nothing accelerated my game faster than DGCR. Get a Comet was the first good tip haha.
The reviews are great, conversations good and the Form Videos thread alone is pure gold
There’s a quick shortcut, if you want to cut the spam just set up a free account.
Thanks for the comment, ThrowaEnvy!
BTW, just for the record, we might need to change that name of yours to “ThrowaComet.”
DGCR for the win!