The 10 best disc golf accounts on Twitter

Green Splatter is active on Twitter.

I’m not always running the account, but I often do.

Thanks to the countless hours I’ve wasted firing off lukewarm tweet after lukewarm tweet, I like to think I’ve come to know fairly well all that disc golf Twitter has to offer its members: the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s from that perceived area of “expertise” I pen this post.

In no particular order …


1. Ultiworld

These days, Ultiworld is more of a podcast than a publication – this saddens me. But when there’s something truly groundbreaking that takes place in the world of professional disc golf, Ultiworld usually has an article worth your time. To get to it first, follow ‘em on Twitter.

2. Obi Bogey

There aren’t many legit fan accounts on this list, but Obi Bogey makes the cut. I’m not big on disc golf memes. PDGA Rodman often has some chuckle-worthy stuff, but I prefer my D.G. content in different forms. Regardless, The Worm isn’t active on Twitter – Obi Bogey is.

3. StatMando

The StatMando interface isn’t the easiest to navigate for first-time users, but these guys brought numbers to disc golf – and not the dumb kind, either. As a devout fan, even if you’re a complete and total idiot, follow StatMando to at least sound like you know your stuff in smarter circles.

DGPT: Chris Clemons

This isn’t a foolproof method, though …

Enter Green Splatter, stage left.

4. PDGA Stats

More of the same from PDGA Stats, really – numbers. In my experience, PDGA Stats does a better job than StatMando of tweeting out interesting, tournament-relevant stats as an event unfolds. When I’m covering a Pro Tour tourney, 100% of the time, I take to PDGA Stats.

5. Drew Gibson

In the eye of this beholder, much of what Drew Gibson tweets out is absolute hogwash: click here. But you know what? I respect the heck out of him for it. Not every Twitter account with a disc golf angle needs to cheerlead the sport. It’s refreshing to see something different – I love it.

6. Brodie Smith

I couldn’t care less what you think about the guy’s motives for taking up disc golf – he’s a freak. And like Gibson, with respect to his tweets, he doesn’t give a rat’s rectum about what disc golf Twitter opines. If he feels it, he tweets it. There’s a genuine level of honesty, as I see it.

DGPT: Brodie Smith

Say what you will about Broderick

But he gets content: He’s made a (lucrative) career out of it.

7. Ricky Wysocki

Ricky Wysocki quote-tweets Green Splatter content more than any other professional disc golfer, so there’s likely a degree of bias on my end with this one. Ever since Ricky hucked plastic in a T-Rex costume, though, I can’t help but feel his tweets are more fun than everybody else’s.

8. The Disc Golf Pro Tour

I get this one’s a bit “corporate,” but they (literally) own ALL the must-see tournament content. No, you’ll never change my mind: Live disc golf trounces post-produced stuff. But it’s hard to dedicate 18 hours to MPO and FPO golf every weekend. DGPT Twitter clips fix this issue.

9. The Innova Factory Store

Take note, Innova fanboys

DGPT: Calvin Heimburg

The Innova Factory Store Twitter account is how you don’t miss out on all of those highly anticipated plastic drops. Follow the Innova Factory Store. Then, turn on notifications for their tweets. That way, when another run of Heimburg Halo Destroyers drops, you’re not left out.

10. Hunter Thomas + Trevor Staub

I get that this is two people, but thanks to Foundation Disc Golf, their individual brands are joined at the hip. With these cats, you’ll get takes, humor and some analysis, too. The biggest benefit, however, is getting to determine Trevor’s putting putter for an entire year via a few polls.

* Honorable Mentions: DGA, Ella Hansen, Zach Melton, Bear Bite Disc and Chris Clemons.


In due time, there will be a counter to this piece …

* Future Headline: The 10 worst (for real) disc golf accounts on Twitter

Rest assured, nobody’s feelings will be spared …

Until then, happy tweeting.

Have anything to add? Take to Twitter to let us know – we’ll actually (for real) get back to you.

Editor’s Suggestions:

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Photo of author

Taylor Larsen

Taylor Larsen is a staff writer for Green Splatter. He uses disc golf to self-reflect, pondering questions like, "Where the heck did I throw that?" and "What happens if the disc lands on top of the basket?" He resides in Utah with his dog, Banks, who loves to chase frisbees of all sorts.

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